Monday, November 12, 2007

Connie's Days Numbered?

Mack's District 14, is the ninth fastest-growing district in America having grown 21.6% since 2002. That can't be good for Connie in the long run, since the fastest-growing groups in Florida tend to vote Democratic. Now we just need to find someone to run against Mack and take the seat away from him.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Good Mack

Contrary to popular belief, the point of this blog is not to make Connie Mack look bad. The point is to draw an accurate picture of Mack and let him make himself look bad. That means from time to time, he might actually look good on certain issues:

Sen. Mel Martinez, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Lincoln Diaz-Balart say they're ready to vote to override the presidential veto. The Water Resources Development Act HR 1495 contains more than $2 billion for Everglades restoration efforts.

Martinez said "at the end of the day, as a Floridian, Everglades restoration is such an integral part of this WRDA bill we have to take the good with the bad."

Rep. Connie Mack, R-Cape Coral, assailed the presidential veto. "I'm confident that both the House and Senate can override his veto," Mack said. "And I hope we do so without delay."